Patti's Comments: The key message to give folks is that community based services are more cost effective then institutionally based services and the quality of care is maximized. It is a shame to see so many folks on the waiting list for waiver services.
Excerpt from
Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan Advocacy Alert: (click below link for entire article)
The Governor’s budget recommendation for FY 2010 included a $17 million increase for the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver program, but $2 million in cuts for in-home services funded by the Office of Services to the Aging (OSA). The House of Representatives approved the MI Choice increase, and reversed the cuts to OSA. The Community Health budget is now in the Senate.
But it doesn’t look good. A big drop in state revenues means it will be an uphill battle to hold onto the MI Choice increase and reverse the OSA cuts for next year. The economic crisis is so bad, it forced the Governor and Legislature to make mid-year Executive Order cuts for FY 2009, including a $1.8 million reduction to OSA, and the elimination of Single Points of Entry. Thankfully, there were no cuts to MI Choice or Home Help.
Your advocacy is needed to protect funding for home and community-based services in next year’s (FY 2010) state budget. We’ve made progress in rebalancing long term care and going backwards is unthinkable!