Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in Novi (9 Mile & Meadowbrook) is launching a new community outreach program for individuals with Special Needs. We are trying to identify those individuals with Developmental Disabilities who might participate, and are hoping families, care-givers and group home staff can assist us.
The “Jesus Cares” ministry is a unique program that is tailored to the needs of its participants, and volunteers will assist to ensure everyone feels comfortable and can take part to the best of their ability.
The “Worship at the Cross” service will begin Tuesday December 11 at 6:30 PM and run for about 25 minutes. Following the service, we will enjoy a snack and interactive project. This special program will occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (1/11/19, 2/12/19……)
We encourage questions as well as names of perspective participants be addressed to Pastor Thomas Schroeder, available at 248-349-0565. E-mail: [email protected]
Church web page:
All perspective participants are requested to register. Thank you.
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