CONTACT: Bob Wheaton, 517-241-2112
LANSING, Mich. – The State Advisory Council on Aging has released its annual report to the Commission on Services to the Aging. State government, agencies connected to Michigan’s aging network, and older adults can learn more about innovations in providing services to seniors within the report.
“Michigan Area Agencies on Aging Innovative Practices Supporting Older Adults” explores and compiles a list of innovations in three critical areas of concern: direct care workforce, elder abuse and exploitation prevention, and transportation.
The State Advisory Council on Aging researches important topics as assigned by the commission.
Examples of innovations highlighted in the report include:
- Myride2, an initiative of three area agencies on aging in Southeast Michigan that helps coordinate transportation for older adults.
- Building Training … Building Quality, which provides training to personal care assistants to help older adults and people with disabilities living at home. Training is offered by area agencies on aging in the Jackson area, Upper Peninsula, Northwest Lower Michigan and Northeast Lower Michigan.
- Creation of elder abuse coalitions in a number of communities that prevent the abuse and neglect of seniors.
“During our research of the Commission on Aging’s 2019 charge, new and practical information including assessment tools, community partnerships, training programs, and advanced technology were discovered,” said Kristie Everett Zamora, chairperson of the State Advisory Council on Aging. “Staff of Michigan’s 16 area agencies on aging, in collaboration with the state’s aging network, are actively and creatively tackling the challenges of our older adult population.”
The 40-member State Advisory Council is appointed by the Commission on Services to the Aging to represent the needs and interests of local communities by providing advice on vital state issues and policies impacting Michigan’s older and vulnerable adults.
The Commission on Services to the Aging is a 15-member, bipartisan body that is appointed by the governor. The commission advises the governor, the Michigan Legislature, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Service Aging and Adult Services Agency on policies and programs for older adults.
“At MDHHS we are always looking for new and innovative ways to support our older residents,” said Dr. Alexis Travis, senior deputy director for the Aging & Adult Services Agency. “This report gives our aging network a chance to see what’s working around the state so we can better help residents live with dignity and purpose.”
The executive summary and full report may be found at
Visit the AASA website or Facebook page for more information.
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