The Borchard Fellowship in Law & Aging offers up to three fellowships to law school graduates interested in, and perhaps already in the early stages of pursuing, an academic and/or professional career in law and aging. Fellows have the opportunity to carry out a substantial project related to law and aging in partnership with a host agency as well as to develop their legal skills and knowledge of laws, policies, and programs concerning older adults.
During the fellowship period, the Center’s director and former fellows stand ready to assist each fellow with the further development of their knowledge, skills, and contacts. A legal services or other non-profit organization involved in law and aging must supervise a fellow’s activities and projects. In addition to the fellow's planned activities and project (unless the fellow's project includes the provision of legal services), the fellow is encouraged to provide some pro bono direct legal services to older adults under appropriate supervision. A fellow is expected to provide the Center with monthly activities reports.
The fellowship is $54,000 and is intended as a full-time position only. The fellow’s sponsoring agency is responsible for providing employee benefits, employer’s FICA payment, administrative support, workspace, computer, telephone, and email access, and appropriate professional education program opportunities. Fellows may live and work where they choose in the United States. Fellows must be either U.S. citizens or legal residents of the U.S.
The twelve month fellowship period runs from July 1 to June 30 for those already admitted to the Bar and from not later than September 1 to August 31 for those who must sit for the Bar exam after law school graduation.
Examples of activities and projects by Borchard Fellows include:
- Working with an established legal services program to enable vulnerable, isolated, low-income older adults to age in place by addressing their unmet legal needs;
- Providing holistic services to older clients facing consumer debt and foreclosure-related concerns;
- Implementation of a courthouse project to help elderly pro se tenants achieve long-term housing stabilization through the interdisciplinary use of legal representation and social services, allowing more elderly tenants to age in place at home;
- Development of mobile clinics to help Chinese-speaking elders improve their access to public benefits and health care;
- Development of a medical-legal partnership for low-income older adults;
- Development of legal services and informational materials to caregivers working on behalf of beneficiaries with cognitive impairment;
- Development of a non-profit senior law resource center providing direct legal services and public education;
- Development of an interdisciplinary elder law clinical program at a major public university law school;
- Development of a mediation component for a legal services program elder law hotline;
- Development of an interdisciplinary project for graduate students in law, medicine, and health advocacy to foster understanding and collaboration between professions;
- Development of training materials and statewide trainings for lawyers, judges and other court personnel, and social service providers on new comprehensive state guardianship laws;
- Development of free legal clinics for older clients in suburban areas;
- Development of elder abuse resources with community partners;
- Writing and publication of state specific, consumer oriented handbooks on legal issues affecting older adults;
- Writing and publication of law review articles on law and aging issues;
- Advocating for and representing incarcerated older persons and helping formerly incarcerated older adults re-enter the community;
- Teaching elder law and related courses at law schools where fellows reside;
- Organizing and/or attending national conferences on law and aging issues;
- Providing supervised pro bono legal representation of older clients;
- Analysis of Medicare policies;
- Analysis of SSI non-disability appeals;
- Development of legal services programs for older clients in consumer law and small claims matters;
- Development of legal services programs and education resources for older Asian clients in elder abuse and financial exploitation matters;
- Development, administration, and interpretation of statewide senior legal hotline outcomes study.
Fellowship Application Annual Timeline
- Application submission deadline: April 1 (unless otherwise scheduled)
- Application review process: April 1 through May 1
- Fellows announced: No later than June 1
- Fellowship period: July 1 though June 30 (unless otherwise arranged)
- Reports due: Monthly reports during the fellowship period; final report no later than one month following the end of the fellowship period.
Application Requirements
Applicants must submit a completed online application including:
- an information form with the name of the applicant's host organization and the applicant's name and contact information;
- a description of the applicant’s planned activities and projects;
- a description of the applicant's interest in law and aging;
- a current curriculum vitae;
- a law school transcript;
- a letter of support from the proposed supervisor at the host agency; and
- two other letters of support.
Submit your online application here.
Questions? Contact Mary Jane Ciccarello, Director, at [email protected]