Excerpt from: Benefits.gov (click for more information)
Details of the benefits program have been updated. The link will direct the interested to a description of the program, program requirements, application requirements, etcetera.
Ganny Belloni
March 16, 2023, 5:44 PM
CMS will take active role during Medicaid eligibility checks
All states required to take 14 months to complete checks
One-third of the millions of individuals expected to lose Medicaid coverage as eligibility checks resume this spring will qualify for Affordable Care Act coverage with low or no premiums, a top Medicaid official said.
The Department of Health and Human Services believes the majority of those whose Medicaid eligibility will be redetermined will remain eligible, and the government is actively collaborating with states to make sure beneficiaries don’t lose coverage because of administrative issues, Daniel Tsai, director of the federal Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, said Thursday in an interview with reporters
see full article at :
#AffordableCareAct #DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices #CenterforMedicaidandCHIPServices #DanielTsai #Medicaid #CMS
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